Architectural Photography Portfolios
In a world of digital media overload, Zakara Photography's work stands apart from the crowd and speaks for itself. Owner and photographer Zak Grosfield has photographed hundreds of projects ranging from Residential Interiors Photography to Commercial Photography and Hospitality Photography. Zak's select and special list of Clients work regularly with Zak above and beyond the competition, because they understand the quality of the product Zak will inevitably and reliably deliver.
On a photo shoot, Zak typically spends anywhere from 30 - 120 minutes creating each image. Composing, staging and lighting each element of a space to the finest detail, Zak is known for unveiling spaces in new and exciting ways that perhaps even his clients weren't expecting. Zak's exhaustive attention to detail continues into his post-production process, at which time each image receives 1-3 hours of detailed attention to ensure perfect color, lighting, composition and exposure of each element of the photograph. Each final delivered image is often the culmination of hours of Zak's high quality work.
You can also see many of Zak's complete projects here.